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Spring 2021 Academic Challenge Results

1st Place 6th Grade Wooster A from left to right: Tim Michel, Nick Kakanuru, Jill Hostetler, Olivia Kelly

To finish out the Academic Challenge competition schedule, students in 6th through 8th grade competed in Academic Challenge meets this past week. Students compete as teams, answering questions about a wide range of topics including literature, fine arts, geography, history, math, and science.

On May 11th, 6th grade teams competed. Thirteen teams from Col. Crawford, Crestview, Lexington, Northmor, Mansfield’s Spanish Immersion, and Wooster participated. Wooster’s A team with Tim Michel, Nick Kakanuru, Jill Hostetler, Olivia Kelly won the meet. The 2nd place team was Crestview’s A team made up of Hudson Stacy, Drew Ramsey, Jess Ames and Wyatt Love.

Then, on May 12th, twenty-two teams from Ashland, Colonel Crawford, Crestview, Lexington, Madison, Mansfield Middle, Northmor, Ontario, Plymouth-Shiloh, Mansfield City’s Spanish Immersion, Shelby and Wooster participated in the 7/8th Grade Academic Challenge. Wooster’s team of Luci Dean, Braelynn Sexton, Carson Piermarini, Brooklyn Chelakadan, and Aaron Vandegrift emerged victorious. Mansfield’s Spanish Immersion A team with Brayden Wendling, Cameron Arbaugh, Makayla Oswalt, Emma Kline and Caden Merrell placed 2nd.

Leanna Ferreira, Mid-Ohio ESC’s coordinator for Academic Challenge, congratulated all who participated. “Students and coaches alike finished strong this year. I am so grateful for their time and effort in preparing for this event. One of our coaches told me they were so grateful just to be able to compete this year with everything going on. It helped make things feel a bit more normal despite all that has happened. While everyone has done an amazing job of adapting to the virtual academic challenge tournaments, I think we are all hoping for a return to an in-person tournament.”