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Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center


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Comprehensive Literacy State Development Grant Goals

The Ohio Department of Education has awarded Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center a four-year Comprehensive Literacy State Development (CLSD) grant of $1,050,000 to serve students in grades K through 5 at Mansfield City Schools’ Springmill STEM Elementary and Plymouth-Shiloh Elementary School.

The CLSD Literacy Coaches, working closely with the Ohio Department of Education, and State Support Team 7, will be building these two model sites to become regional and state-wide models for evidence-based practices in literacy using proven practices that increase achievement for all students. 

The model sites will concentrate on implementing practices consistent with Ohio’s Plan to Raise Literacy Achievement. The partnership between the model sites and the Department will allow these model sites and their stakeholders to improve student literacy and increase educational options available to students who have been traditionally underserved.  

The grant goals are based on two fundamental needs:

  1. Build a Schoolwide Reading Model
  2. Institute grade-level and individual teacher/leader professional development founded on components of the science of reading

The Mid-Ohio ESC Literacy Coaches have critical priorities to meet the grant’s goals.

  • Work with the Partnership Districts in forming a Literacy Leadership Team to support and sustain the grant goals beyond the life of the grant
  • Support the development of a school-wide systems approach to literacy 
  • Provide training to support educator capacity to provide high quality instructional plans with effective implementation for all learners 
  • Enhance partnerships and collaboration of general and special education practitioners as well as families and community partners

Lisa Cook, the CLSD Director and Coach, said, “I am very excited to lead the work of the CLSD grant supported by the Mid-Ohio ESC Literacy Coaches. Our vision is to improve outcomes for all learners, thus helping more students master essential reading foundations by reducing the barriers for literacy acquisition. By supporting the infrastructure and decision rules as part of the Multi-Tier System of Support process, we can prepare all learners to be culturally responsive citizens in their path to college or careers and help to fulfil Ohio’s promise of each child, our future!”

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