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Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center


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Summer Manufacturing Institute Camp to Take Place July 18-22

The North End Community Improvement Collaborative (NECIC) along with the Regional Manufacturing Coalition (RMC) and EPIK are excited to host students from 4+ schools in Richland County entering 5th through 8th grade participating in the 5th Annual Summer Manufacturing Institute Camp, a part of Senator Sherrod Brown’s call to engage Ohio’s youth with local manufacturing activities and opportunities in their home county. The camp will take place at NECIC’s Community Outreach Center in Mansfield from July 18th through the 22nd.

This year the camp will focus on local supply chains and how they have been affected by the pandemic and the current economy. Tyler Shinaberry of EPIK explained, “For the past couple years students have emphasized their interest in ‘economics.’ This has always tied in with our connection to banking/financial literacy both as employees and enterprises. With the current shortages we are facing and the situation during COVID-19, youth have intimately witnessed things typically only faced by adults. Our hope is to provide answers to difficult questions while showing first hand the chain reaction(s) faced in manufacturing.”

Students will tour local businesses and complete some hands-on projects. Shinaberry said, with this year’s focus on the supply chain, it’s going to be a little different than in previous years. “This year we are opening new channels to showcase the end sellers of manufacturing as part of tying in the supply chain. Basically, how manufacturing becomes the products we purchase in stores.”

This camp is open to Richland County resident students and is free to participants thanks to generous host and manufacturer contributions. There are currently a few spaces still available for students. Registration can be done online at https://www.necic-ohio.org/surveys/summer-manufacturing-institute-camp-2022. For questions about registration and the camp, please contact Nyasha Oden at 419-522-1611 ext. 122 or nyasha@necic-ohio.org.

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