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Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center


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Galion City Schools Awarded 21st Century Community Learning Center Grants

Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center, in conjunction with Galion City Schools, has been awarded a continuation of both 21st Century Community Learning Center grants for Galion’s elementary schools (the Primary and Intermediate buildings, collectively) and Galion Middle School, as well as a grant for Galion High School in the amount of $200,000 per year, for a total of $600,000. This is the third year of 5 possible years for the grant to be awarded to the elementary and middle schools, while the high school grant is newly awarded. 

The grants will provide before and after-school programs for Galion City School students in grades K through 12, including students from Galion’s St. Joseph’s Catholic School. The programs will focus on improving reading and math, positive youth development, and family and community engagement. The middle school and high school programs will also have the added focus of college prep and career readiness for students.

The Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) grant program provides opportunities for children who come from economically disadvantaged families to receive academic and positive youth development supports. These programs must focus on helping students meet state and local student standards in core academic subjects, such as reading and math, and offering students a broad array of enrichment activities that complement their regular academic programs. 

Mid-Ohio ESC will oversee the grants by serving as the fiscal agent and assist in the facilitation of the grant activities to ensure compliance. Violeta Chinni, a veteran Galion educator, will oversee these programs. 

“I want to thank Mid-Ohio’s Director of Grants and Special Projects Amy Wood and the team at Mid-Ohio for their work in securing these grant funds to continue and enhance the before and after-school programs in our district," Galion City Schools Superintendent Jennifer Allerding said. "Our partnership with MOESC, and these grant funds, allow us to offer and enhance positive learning opportunities for students in the Galion City Schools."

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