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Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center


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Upcoming Zoom Presentation on Navigating Federal Programs

Under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), Title 1 provides state and federal funds to schools with high percentages of low-income students.  These funds support school districts with the provision of services to support student academic achievement.  School systems who receive state and federal funding through various programs and initiatives need to ensure that they are following the regulations and requirements of ESSA.
The purpose of the Navigating Federal Programs and the CCIP (Title 1) training is to provide participants with an understanding of the federal regulations and requirements and enable a school to leverage their federal funds most effectively.  The presentation will provide guidance to those building and district administrators who are responsible for managing the CCIP and Federal Programs. District fiscal officers responsible for managing federal programs may also find this information valuable.
The event, hosted by Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center, will be offered virtually on Thursday, March 11th from 9 a.m. to noon. Ohio Department of Education, Office of Federal Programs Educational Specialists, Chantelle Carter and Philip Steffanni, will be presenting.

School systems who receive state and federal funding through various programs and initiatives need to ensure that they are following the regulations and requirements of ESSA, and this presentation will help those building and district administrators who are responsible for managing the CCIP and Federal Programs. Principals, directors, and treasurers may also find this information valuable.

The program is free, however participants must sign up at www.moesc.net/register. 

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